Steadfast resistance to evil at great personal risk
The Civil Courage Prize honors the extraordinary few among us who resolutely pursue freedom for many despite the consequences to themselves.
Inspired by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the prize is bestowed by the Train Foundation to those who fight tyranny as a personal mission. Recipients are people who stand between oppressors and the rest of us.
2023 Nasrin Sotoudeh
2022 Alexei Navalny
2021 Erik K. Ward
2019 Gonzalo Himiob Santomé
2018 Vladimir Kara-Murza
2017 Pierre Claver Mbonimpa
2016 Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently
2015 Claudia Paz Y Paz
2015 Yassmin Barrios
2014 Nicola Gratteri
2013 Denis Mukwege
2012 Yu Jie
2011 Lydia Cacho Ribeiro
2011 Triveni Acharya
2010 Reverend Canon Andrew White
2009 Aminatou Haidar
2008 Ali Salem of Egypt
2007 The Rev. Phillip Buck
2006 Rafael Marques de Morais
2005 Min Ko Naing
2005 Anna Politkovskaya
2004 Emadeddin Baghi
2004 Lovemore Madhuku
2003 Shahnaz Bukhari
2002 Vladimiro Roca Antunez
2001 Paul Kamara
2000 Natasa Kandic
“Humanity being what it is, the world must always be saved anew, by new saints.”
— The Hon. John Train, Founder
The Achelis and Bodman Foundation
Mrs. Jennifer Coutts Clay
Clarence & Anne Dillon Dunwalke Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gilder
Founding Patron
“When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.”
— Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
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