
Pierre Claver Mbonimpa of Burundi
The "grandfather of the human rights movement" in Burundi, Mbonimpa is the founder of APRODH which assists the imprisoned and documents government abuse.
APRODH (the Association for the Protection of Prisoners and Human Rights) is the result of Mbonimpa’s politically motivated imprisonment. For two years he and fellow inmates were beaten and starved. Mbonimpa was driven to learn about the law to address these abuses.
The organization works to end long delays in the judicial process, help juvenile detainees, assist rape victims obtain care and legal representation, provide lawyers to destitute offenders, and facilitate the release of hundreds of falsely accused prisoners.
APRODH also raises awareness of human rights among Burundians documents government abuses, including attacks on human rights workers, opposition politicians, and journalists. It exposes "disappearances," illegal detention, and torture.
In 2015, Mbonimpa barely survived a brutal assassination attempt, and had to be taken to Belgium for medical treatment. His youngest son and son-in law were killed and his daughter fled.
APRODH’s license was revoked by the government but Mbonimpa continues to run the organization from Brussels.
Mbonimpa is the recipient of the Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders, the Henry Dunant Award, and the Alison Des Forges Award.